Recap of June
Last month you may recall a post I did around my goals for the month of June - if you haven't read that post, head on over there now
My goal was to feel more financially stable, through paying back some of my debt, to feel like a better money manager and to trust in the investments I make in myself. I took the opportunity to put some real steps in place to support me in achieving these goals.
First I created a morning routine which consisted of 10 minutes of yoga every morning, my go to at the moment is Yoga with Kassandra - YouTube because she has a whole channel full of 10 minute videos which are perfect for a quick morning movement. I followed that up with an EFTapping video. I currently have 2 videos I am working with to support me:
Being a friend magnet - with Brad Yates
Money magnet quickie - Tapping with Brad Yates
I followed that up with pulling an oracle card from my 'Work your light' deck for guidance and then I wrote down 3 reasons I am grateful for money. Doing this every morning for the full 30 days has really helped to get me fired up and determined to reach this goal and beyond.
Another big shift for me has been tracking my income and expenses and it's been exciting to see just how many ways money has come to me in this past month. What I really want to share in this post, is the actually shifts I did see in month because that is what we're all looking for right? The results, the wins, the end goals!
Money wins:
I got a refund from an online service I wasn't using.
I was given a gift voucher worth £40 as a thank you at work
I sold 3+ items on Vinted which I only just started using this month
People transferred money I was owed.
I am getting my pay backdated 2 months instead of 1.
Friend wins:
I met a new friend at swimming
A lady in work asked to enter some running events together for more fun
I got to work closely with a woman on my team for a project just for June
I had a lovely chat with a guy from they gym
Now you might read them and think they don't sound that exciting but to me, everyone of them was HUGE. But I haven't stopped! I didn't see these things happen and go 'oh well that's me done then', I have thanked the Universe for sending them all my way, fully embraced each one and carried on going. There is always more wonderful people and things to attract into my life and that means I get to keep on working on myself in order to find them. I really leant into trust this month and opened myself up to receiving and the Universe delivered and I celebrated everyone, big and small, with the same level of enthusiasm.
This can happen for you too, maybe it's not the same goal but you can see wins in your life. It starts by getting clear, knowing what you want, being specific and then putting steps in place to make it happen. The Universe will deliver to you when you give to yourself first, that's how the Law of Attraction works. You don't just ask and then you get, you ask, take the action and trust that what you want will come in time. I know it has for me!
Turnanewpage x