My Minds Telling me NO! But my body...
My body is telling me YES!!!!!

That song has absolutely no relevance to this post, but it popped in my head when I said something, and so there it is.
Planning for Success
You might have set goals for this year, or maybe you didn't. This post is probably more helpful to anyone who has set a goal / goals for 2023, as I will share some key tips on making sure you achieve the results you want to.
The first step in setting any goal is to know what it is you actually want to achieve and why. We can all say we want more money, to be healthy, to feel happy, but what does that actually mean. If your goal was to be happier, how would you know when you have achieved that goal? What is the outcome / the result / the finishing line for this?
If you are not sure what that looks like, then you will probably find yourself floundering about with no real idea on how to actually achieve it. So start there, get clear on what you want to achieve (be specific and why)
Preparing to fail!
Now this doesn't mean that you should expect to fail, or that you can't, or won't achieve this goal. This section is about preparing yourself for the obstacles that WILL come your way on this journey.
For example:
I have a goal for 2023 to become the healthiest version of myself. I want to look and feel physically and mentally strong, with a big focus on my diet. I want to learn more about what foods fuel my body, and those that make it sluggish. I started to take action today (Monday 30th January) and already I can feel resistance. I woke up this morning and my brain was already saying:
Why not start on Wednesday with the new month
You still have snacks downstairs, eat them first and start tomorrow
There's only two more days of the month, enjoy yourself
You've never stuck to clean eating for longer than a month anyways
Some of these thoughts were stronger, louder than others but I knew my brain was already putting up hurdles for me and my goal. It would have been so easy for me to listen as well! I did want to finish the snacks I had left from yesterday, I did buy them after all, plus they taste amazing.
I know most people start Monday's but I could wait until 1st February and 'enjoy' these last few days of 'binging' on junk food.

This is the first hard part! Getting out of the stories your brain is throwing up, and choosing to stick with your reason why! I have been feeling somewhat sluggish these past couple weeks or so, because I have been giving in to my 'cravings' and eating what I want far too often.
I KNOW that despite the initial pleasure that comes from eating these foods, they do not make me feel good, they do not fuel my body, and they stop me from seeing the results I want to see.
This is what I mean by 'prepare to fail'
Practice being aware of your thoughts and know that these obstacles are going to get in the way. You have to choose different, you have to remind yourself of WHY you want to achieve this goal, and remember that the instant gratification never lasts for long.
Being able to prepare for failure, will be a key for achieving your goals. If you know hurdles are on the track in front of you, then train to be able to jump over them.
The good feeling won't last, but it'll be worth it
When you set your goals, you were probably on a high, and you probably felt a huge surge of motivation at the thought of going for it. Which is great! You should be excited about your goals, it likely means it's something you want in your life. If only motivation stayed as strong throughout! Another key tip to learn is that you will need to forget about feeling motivated, and focus on being disciplined.
Discipline means: 'doing the thing you said you were going to do, long after the feeling of wanting to do it has passed'.
Like the sea, we have ebb and flow too and it's easy to make decision from a happy, positive headspace, but not so much when you are feeling sad, grumpy, hormonal, or just blah. It's in those moments were discipline is required and why having an Accountability buddy can be really useful. Someone who can hold you accountable for doing the things you said you were going to do.
Summary of the key points for achieving your goals in 2023:
Get clear on what you want to achieve (be specific and why)
Be prepared for the challenges - list out all the things that could / will come up to knock you off your stride
Focus on self-discipline, not motivation
Turnanewpage x
This year I am offering 1:1 60 minute sessions for people like you, who want more accountability for their goals. You can decide if you want to make it a weekly, fortnightly, or monthly session to:

Get clear or your goals
Understand the action you need to take
Reflect on the month gone
Prepare for the month ahead
To book your first session, follow this link: My Accountability Call 2023
For any questions on the calls, head over to my Instagram: @_turnanewapaige_ and send me a DM.