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If only I had more time!

Here we are, half way through the year of 2022 and probably like a lot of people, I'm wondering how we got here so fast. I still remember someone telling me that "the older you get, the quicker the years go" and I thought they were talking absolute shit. Yet, I'm now 30 years old and every year I reflect on how right they were.

Times a funny thing because we all know that we have a limited amount of it and yet we all act like we'll live forever. You'll see people waste years of their life in a job they hate, in relationships that don't make them happy, postponing going after their goals because they'll start tomorrow, eating unhealthy food to the point that their bodies are dying faster and we call it life. Now, I'm not having a go at anyone because I have spent a lot of my 30 years pissing away time like it's never ending and by doing so, I don't have the life I truly want and I feel unfulfilled.

So I decided that for the month of June 2022, I was going to commit to leaning into more abundance and taking some aligned action towards more of my goals. I currently have a mindset and business coach who I am working with who is holding me accountable. That being said, it is not up to my coach to make these changes happen, they can hold me accountable, but I have to be the one taking the action. Bearing that in mind, my goal for these next 6 months was to learn to trust in the process, open up to more guidance and truly believe that I have and I am worthy of abundance. I previously took part in a coaching programme called 'Awaken Your Abundance', (perfect right), so I decided now was as good a time as any to go back and reflect on that programme. I started right back at the beginning, only this time I made sure that it was going to be even more powerful than the last. I completed the first 'Awaken Your Abundance' workbook and started to fill it in. Before I knew it, I had filled in ALL the pages with goals, affirmations, limiting beliefs, action steps and more. It felt like I was supposed to be doing this right there and then and I enjoyed getting stuck in. I then wanted to take it a step further, I didn't want to just save this workbook on my laptop and tell myself I would check back in on the action steps everyday, because that would never happen. I knew I needed to have it printed out, on my desk at home, in my face and to hand, so that's what I did and now I want to share with you some of my goals, action steps and daily shifts that I am making to allow myself to feel and welcome in more abundance.

Before I do, you may have got this far through my blog and thought that it all sounded to "woo woo" and spiritual and I get that. To me spirituality used to be something hippies did or it was all around believing in God, but I have come to see a whole other side of it and it has changed so much of my outlook on life. I would encourage you to stick with me on this blog and keep as open a mind as you can because maybe I might just share the one thing you need to hear too.

Ok, so goals for June:

  1. To get back into a better and stronger place financially and feel like I am truly making progress towards paying back some of my personal investments (none of which I regret spending).

  2. To feel like a better money manager and end the month with money in the bank.

  3. To trust that I am free to invest money in myself because not all investments have to produce monetary benefits.

Money is a big thing in my life, like I am sure it is in others. I never realised how much money controlled the way I acted, thought or controlled me. My money mindset was at an all time low for years and I had no awareness of it. I wanted June to feel different. Now, abundance isn't all about having more money than sense, abundance can be about feeling happier, more grateful, having enough food on the table, enough time to spend with family. For me personally, when I speak of abundance, it more often than not relates to my money. I wanted to take the goals I outlined above and start committing to action steps to accomplish them, so here is how I started:

  1. I printed out the income & Expenses tracker for the workbook. This isn't about me being obsessive with every penny going in or out of my account, but to allow me to feel more control and respect for my money. It also allows me to become aware of where all my money is going each month.

  2. I created a morning abundance routine looking at 4 areas in particular, Mind, Body, Soul & Universe. For each one, I picked a routine that I could practice daily to support me in feeling more abundant. Every morning I am, practicing 10 minutes of yoga, doing an EFT tapping video, pulling an oracle card for guidance and writing down 3 gratitude's aimed around money and what it allows me to do. I do this EVERY morning, even weekends, and then I tick them off on my abundance tracker.

  3. Lastly, I created an evening routine looking at the same 4 areas as the morning. Every night before bed I, check off whether I have moved my body that day (gym, run or walk), I write a celebration from the day and pop it in my jar, I reflect on the oracle card I pulled in the morning to see how it made me feel and I review my calendar for the next day.

I am on the 5th June when I am writing this and I already feel more in control and abundant by changing such simple things in my life and this is what's key. We can all want more from life but only a small few of us will ever get it and that is because most people will NEVER take the action required to actually achieve it. Too many of us are sitting around waiting for our dream life to just miraculously fall into our lap but it's not going to happen. Your time is limited and it really is up to you how you spend it but sit and think about what will you regret when you are on your deathbed. Will you regret not working more overtime to pay for that expensive handbag, or will you regret not going for that dream life that you spent 80 years talking about? I know which one I'd choose. I truly hope this helped you in some way and that you feel empowered to take some actions even if it is something small. I'd also like to say a big thank you to Maggie who was my coach and the creator of the 'Awaken Your Abundance' programme because it is giving me direction right now. Go follow Maggie on Instagram @springluneoracle, she's absolutely amazing.


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