Your Mess is Your Message
"You can help anyone if you've been through it before"
I know I am not the only person who has doubted the impact I can have on someone because of mistakes I have made in my past.
I have questioned:
Giving relationship advice when I had only had bad ones
Money advice whilst I had debt
Opening up and being vulnerable whilst I was ignoring my partner
Healthy habits when I was in a binge eating phase
Who am I to give that advice when I am not current, living proof of it?
Hello Imposter Syndrome again!
If you missed my previous post around Imposter Syndrome, use the link and you can head back there after this.
It's a re-occurring theme in my life and probably yours too. You hold yourself back from helping someone, simply because you haven't lead a 'perfect life'.
But there in lies the key!
It's because of your mistakes and mishaps that maybe you are exactly the right person to be giving advice.
Note* don't go asking advice of people on things they don't understand or maybe they haven't done. (aka, don't go to people about business advice, when they have never run a business)
Maybe that sounds conflicting but I know that despite my so called failed relationships, I have learnt a lot about myself and I love sharing that with other people.
I've not made millions yet, but I know I am a lot closer than I was before I did the work on my mindset. Work that I share with other people on my social media (EFTs, journaling, shadow work etc).
Here's the thing.
Nobody in this world is perfect, that's just fact.
Therefore you do NOT need to be perfect in order to support someone or guide them.
If anything, it's more comforting to know you aren't the only person who messed up in life and having someone say they got through it really does help.
Your mess is your message
How can you begin to share your message with people?
How can you share your 'mess' with someone to help them on their journey?
What's a mistake / 'failure' from your past?
What lesson/s did you learn from it?
How could you share that with someone?
Turnanewpage x