Why 2020 was an amazing year!
Talk about unexpected
No one could have predicted what the year of 2020 was going to hold. Probably, like most people, I started the year with big goals, plans, adventures and new ideas. Instead, what I got was a lockdown, no weekend plans and a passport gathering dust.
So what happened?
Coronavirus, that’s what happened! In February, I'm barely taking note of the situation in China and laughing at anyone saying it's coming here.
Come March, the whole of the UK and basically the rest of the world was in full lockdown mode.
Stuck inside.
All plans cancelled, life cancelled.
Except I was lucky enough to be able to keep working throughout the whole process.
What was so great about my year?
For most, 2020 was a terribly difficult time. People lost loved ones, lost our normality.
Friends and family were all online. Many people felt lost and lonely during this time.
But not me!
I don't say that to brag or to big myself up. I was fortunate enough to keep my job, see family (due to the fact I lived with them). I had access to WIFI and social media, so I got to keep in touch with everyone else.
I also got to choose.
I got to choose how my year would go.
Would COVID get to put limits on my life? YES. Would COVID get to decide how I'd react to those limits? NO!
When I saw what was happening, I knew I had two choices.
Let it fully consume me and control my every thought or,
Switch my focus, and choose to see the positive at every opportunity.
What did that look like?
It meant that exercise was a MUST. I would take the given opportunity every day to move my body. That meant mostly running for me or even just walking.
No day went by, went I didn't raise my heartrate through exercise. I even started yoga FINALLY after so many years of just talking about it.
Next step was to protect my energy at all costs. That meant, avoiding the negativity that flooded social media.
That did mean, blocking, unfollowing and muting a lot of people.
It meant shutting down conversations of negativity where possible. Conspiracy theories were not in my vocabulary and neither was watching the news for the constant updates of death toll.
I practiced daily gratitude!
Every day I looked for, and found, a reason to be grateful.
I still had my job and I got to continue doing that job onsite
My family were safe and well
I was fit and healthy, therefore I wasn't deem as vulnerable
The weather was gorgeous
I moved in with my boyfriend
I started yoga
So many reasons to smile, despite everything going on around me.
Why am I sharing this with you?
I know for a fact, that had I not worked on my mindset prior to COVID, I would not have handled it anywhere near as well as I did.
The year 2019 now felt like a revision year, preparing me for the test to come in 2020.
I had all this new knowledge in which to put into practice in a real life situation. A situation, no-one had ever been through before.
I would say I ACED that test.
Doing all these things, wasn't about being all high and mighty and judging people for not feeling the same. It was a deep, conscious decision to not become the person that people felt drained by. I wanted to be a light for the people around me. To be a reason for others to smile when it felt like they didn't have any.
I don't want you to think that feeling positive takes away from any of the terribly painful moments that happened through COVID. Being positive doesn't mean, never feeling negative about something. It's about having awareness of how you are feeling, why you are feeling that way and showing yourself some love.
Sometimes that means, showing yourself some tough love. If you go looking for problems, you will ALWAYS find one.
Here's what I want you to do
Share with me in the comments, something positive that came out of 2020 for you. It doesn't have to be big or life changing, but something that maybe made you smile. A moment were you felt happy, proud, grateful. Let's use these comments to share our journey with one another and maybe remind someone of something positive in their own story.
For more support, head on over to my Paige | Mindset Coach (@_turnanewpaige_)
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