When Life Comes Tumbling Down!
No-one ever said that life would be easy.
Can I just say, before I start, how grateful I am to have met Maggie Pugh.
Maggie came into my life one day as a Spiritual coach doing live tarot readings for a group programme that I was a part of.
I was hooked!
Within the next week, I had booked a 1:1 tarot reading with Maggie so I could ask more questions and eventually I signed on to 3 months of coaching. Best decision ever!
Today's post links to Maggie
In this past month, she has now released her own podcast series called 'The Goddess Journals'.
Today, I decided to listen to her latest episode whilst I cleaned the house, because that's what I do.
This episode 'A Tower Moment: My Largest Uplevel Yet' and wow did Maggie deliver.
Every 5 seconds I was nodding along and connecting with what she had to say and it got me thinking about my own 'Tower Moments' in life.
What is a Tower Moment?
In a tarot deck of cards, there is one called the Tower. On first appearance it looks awful, like everything it about to come crashing down. it's the sort of card you'd see and wish you hadn't pulled.
BUT, this card symbolises so much more than that.
This card symbolises that change is coming and with that, an uplevel in your life. It doesn't mean that something horrendous is coming or that you are simply doomed. It's actually a card worth pulling!!
My Story - Uplevel Moments
It got me to thinking and this is why I am here today.
The biggest tower moment I will always relate back to, are my breakups. The heartache, the pain, the tears, the anger.
In that moment, at that time, my life literally felt like it was falling apart! It was burning down around me and no amount of water was going to stop it. I could see no way out and I was so scared about what was to come.
But now, 6 years on (Jesus, where did those years go?) I can look back on that time and see all the golden nugget moments.
24 Year Old Me
I had been in a toxic relationship for 4 years at this point and I was a shell of a person. I had numbed a large part of my personality and I was walking around acting like I couldn't give two shits.
I questioned everything I did, I always wanted to please my boyfriend and yet I hated him so damn much.
It's actually hard to connect back to that version of me because I am so far away from her now.
When the break up started happening, I was even more of a shell. Crying non-stop, constantly on my phone waiting for a text, a call, an email, a social media post. I wasn't eating right and barely sleeping. I was everything I never thought I'd be as a woman.
BUT THEN, just under a year after the break up, I was on a plane to the other side of the world to finally travel Australia. Something I had spoken about for years! I had things I needed to work on but, getting out of that relationship finally put me in a position to go and do something that was totally for myself for the first time in my life.
Here's What I Want You To Take Away
In that moment, when my whole life felt like it was over, I was living my own Tower card moment. The Universe had been screaming at me for years about getting out of this relationship and I had ignored every damn sign.
I was asking for more and then ignoring it! Why? Because, the Universe was giving me more but not in the way I wanted it.
After the fall out, I began the journey that led me to the most amazing part of my life. Had I not of let it all burn down, I would not have seen the phoenix in the ashes. Cringey but true!
So ask yourself this:
What have you been asking for?
What can you do to make it happen?
Have you been ignoring signs?
This is your life and you have to be the one who lives it. If you need more than this post to show you, go and listen to Maggie's podcast episode, which I have linked above, and see if she inspires you too.
Turnanewpage x