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The #1 Thing That Stresses Me

I arrived back home from Malta on a Sunday, only to find that my stress levels went through the roof.

I am one of those people who sorts out their suitcase as soon as they get home, and it was when it came to putting things away that I started to feel stressed out and agitated. You would have thought a week of sunshine would have me all chilled out and relaxed but, there's one thing that can really set me off.

Tidy Space, Tidy Mind

I cannot stand living in a mess! Most people who know me would laugh because my house is anything but messy but, we all have different levels of mess and right now, I was feeling the stress of mine.

I was in my office which is where I first felt the stress levels begin to rise, I had stuff on the floor which I had taken out of a make-up bag I took on holiday, I had wires all over my desk from currently needing two monitors when working from home, I had loose hair bands on the side and my office just needed a good polish and vacuum.

From 0 - 60 in less than 10 seconds

I could probably beat most cars when it comes to speed if we are comparing it to my going from relaxed to stressed. Once I feel like this, I find it difficult to settle until the problem is resolved.

The saying 'tidy house, tidy mind' is fitting for me because I do feel better when my space is clutter free.

Maybe you've experienced this too? Maybe you handle it better than I did, because I was stomping about huffing and puffing at the time, but I do believe tiredness might have played a role in that one Haha.

Here's what I did

I started in one room and began with quick fixes to clean up my space. Starting with; putting away clean washing, picking up loose items off the floor, polishing my desk and tidying up the wires, rearranging my shelves and throwing out items I no longer needed.

I've always thought I should look into feng shui because every now and again I rearrange the objects in my office, and I feel 100x better every time I do.

Are you feeling stressed at home?

Have you ever wondered if it's the space you live in which is causing you the stress and agitation?

Why not try these 3 steps and see how you feel:

  1. Pick a room to start in

  2. Pick an area of that room to start organising / rearranging / cleaning

  3. Repeat this step until the whole room is complete

You don't have to go OTT and throw everything away, but I always find that having less in your space is cleansing for the soul.

This was just a quick and simple post this week, but I hope it helps you in the same way it helped me.


Turnanewpage x


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