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The #1 Step Before A Habit

How Do I Create A New Habit That Will Last?

If you haven't read it already, go and read ATOMIC HABITS by James Clear!

It is one of my all time favourite books, particularly in the area of creating and sustaining healthier habits.

It's funny that we find habits so hard to create and yet we have so many of them in our lives.

The one difference being of course, that most of the habits you currently have, probably don't serve you.

Which is why you're here right?

You want better habits? Habits which will support you to achieve your goals and create the life of your dreams?

Some Top Mistakes People Make When Creating New Habits

  1. They aren't clear on the habit they want to create - without clarity, you will get lost.

  2. They aren't creating the habit for the right reason - if your why isn't strong enough, you will give up.

  3. They try to change too much at once - start by creating one habit not ten.

  4. They repeat the same mistakes - if you keep doing what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. Learn from your 'failed' attempts. They are lessons.

  5. They don't track their progress - if you don't measure what your habit, how do you know if it's working?

  6. They quit to soon!

My Key Piece of Advice For You

You need to accept that before something becomes a HABIT, it's an EFFORT.

Go forward knowing that creating a new habit takes time and it WILL feel like hard work to start with.

Keep a copy of your reason why / your motivation to achieve this goal somewhere visible, so in the days where it feels like an effort, you will have a reason to keep on going.

Nothing happens overnight unfortunately, it does take showing up consistently for yourself everyday until something becomes easy to do.

Here Are Some Questions To Ask Yourself When Building A New Habit

  1. What new habit do I want to create?

  2. Why do I want to create it? What will it give me? How will it benefit me?

  3. What results do I want to see from this habit? (Be specific)

  4. Have you tried to create this habit before? If yes, what didn't work last time?

  5. What obstacles might prevent you from creating this new habit?

  6. What can you put in place to support you in creating this new habit?

What new habit are you working on creating? Share it with me in the comments! I am currently building better habits around my gut health - you can follow me on this journey over on TikTok:


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