It's not about the money
Are you feeling down every time you look in the mirror? Are you wanting change, but feeling like it's out of your reach financially? Maybe you want a coach or a PT but your current finances just don't make it an option? Then this post right here, is for you.
Last year I was having a bit of a stagnant time in my life where I wanted to see change by I didn't want to pay out for any of it. Part of the reason was down to having debt and the fear of getting into more and some was just limiting beliefs around money and how it made me feel. I was feeling sluggish, demotivated in my fitness, despite it being quite high, I wasn't feeling sexy in my own skin and I was getting wound up over the silliest of things.
I'd signed up to the gym in the hope that this time around, I would figure out what I was doing and see some definition across my body and feel some strength again. The one problem being, I'd never enjoyed going to the gym alone, and I've never known how to pull together an effective workout to create the results I wanted to see. I knew what I needed and I knew what I wanted....a personal trainer. I wanted a trained professional to support me on my journey to feeling stronger and sexier in my own skin but I also knew that it came with a cost. A cost I didn't feel comfortable paying, partly because spending that level of money was uncomfortable to me and partly because I knew it wasn't something that was going to make me money either. It would feel like a 'waste' of money no matter what results I would see.
Cut to today, when I'm writing this post and I am 32 weeks into working one on one with a personal trainer. Every Friday morning at 6am for the past year, I have been working out with my PT on the areas I had listed for improvements. I still remember the shift I made which pushed me to make that change and I am going to share it with you now.
Being in the coaching space is a gift because not only do I get support people on their journey, I am constantly exposed to other coaches who can support me on my own. One coach in particular is my friend, Lorna McKenna, or in the podcasting world you may know her as 'Making Mindset Matter'.
I was chatting to her about how I wanted to invest but I wasn't going to because I 'couldn't afford it' and she recommended that I listen to the latest episode on her podcast. The episode is called 'What is investing in yourself, and why it's important', this link can take you too it:
In the episode, Lorna talks all around what it means when we say 'investing in yourself' and the different ways that can look. The key thing I took away from the episode was that, if I truly want something then why am I making excuses NOT to do it. Secondly, was how, not every invest has to bring in money to be a success. I'll say that again, NOT EVERY INVEST HAS TO BRING IN MONEY TO BE A SUCCESS.
That's when I got it! Here I am complaining about how I look and how it makes me feel and yet I'm over here doing everything I can to not make it happen. I see it all the time in other people, we love to complain about our lives and yet, we only really complain about the things we CAN change. You want a better body, you can change that, you want more money, you can change that, you want more confidence, you can change that. You have always had the power, we just stopped using it.
After listening to that episode, I went to work and by the time I got home I had booked in my first 6 sessions with my new PT. Now I ask you, what are you holding yourself back from doing even when you say you want it? Try asking yourself these questions:
1. What in my life would I like to change?
2. Why do I want to change it?
3.What will having that change look like to me?
4. What's one thing that I could do different to start making this change happen?
Now, I only want you to focus on one change at a time because anymore than that can become overwhelming and change takes time. Building new habits take time, so go slow and give yourself a chance.
I would love to know what change you want to see in your life? Why not head over to my Instagram and let me know Paige | Mindset Coach (@_turnanewpaige_) • Instagram photos and videos
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