3 Top Tips for Protecting Your ENERGY

Protecting Your Energy:
"Is the practice of working sustainably and removing negativity and distractions from your life. It's a way to safeguard your mental and emotional reserves in the long run, so you can pace yourself and stay motivated over time"
Here's what I've learnt about my energy
My energy used to be negative, and I was most definitely the person who would walk into a room and drain it.
However, through personal development, I have completely switched up my energy to be someone who radiates instead. This now means I am aware of the people and things that drain me and those that help me radiate. The biggest lesson is knowing what helps and what doesn't, because I can then protect myself where possible, in order to feel my best and show up as the version of me I want the world to see.
Tip 1 for Protecting Your Energy
Look at what makes you feel good and what sucks the life out of you.
Now this could be a whole range of things, from your relationships, your job, your hobbies, activities, colleagues and so much more. I want you to grab a piece of paper and draw a line down the middle of it. On one side you can title 'radiate' and the other 'drain', from there you can start listing the things in your life for how they make you feel.
You might find that somethings make you feel good, but only for a certain amount of time. For example, you might enjoy certain aspects of your job and yet feel drained by other tasks that are involved.
Once you have this list you can start to incorporate more of the radiate column into your life and minimise the drains. Of course, there will be some drains you can't get away from but in acknowledging them, you can protect yourself where possible.
Tip 2 for Protecting Your Energy
Let go of the things and people that suck you dry.
I find that this is the one people struggle with most. Like me, letting go of people brings about guilt because of who they are or maybe for how long you've known them.
You have to learn to be ok with the fact that not everyone is meant to stay in your life forever, and sometimes, you will have to remove people who no longer make you happy, regardless of who they are.
I don't agree with people saying you should keep family in your life simply because they are family. Toxic is toxic and you should never accept it from anyone! People have come and gone in my life in the last 5 years, some removed me from their life when I was a drain to them, and I have let go of those who only ever made me feel worthless or small. Was it easy? No, not all of them, but it was worth it in the end. Take some time now to think about the people in your life and reflect on whether they truly benefit your life, or whether they are just there for themselves.
Tip 3 for Protecting Your Energy
Dedicate time every day to fill your cup back up.
I've said it before, and I will say it again (on repeat) that self-care is a necessity in your life. You cannot be at your best, unless you understand your needs and dedicate time to fulfil them. You have a list of people and things that make you feel good, whether it be a good book in the bath, time with a friend chatting, painting your nails or just chilling with Netflix. Now you need to find time every day to do at least one of those! On some days you may need even more, particularly if your day has been filled with many items from the drain column.
It really is ok to take time for yourself. You may meet resistance to start with from people in your life, but when you continue to set those boundaries and stick to your guns, they will come to respect the time you need for yourself.

We all have it, and we all deserve to fill ourselves up with the strongest and most loving dose of it. Remember:
"Your playing small does not serve the world. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."
Marianne Williamson
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