3 Facts About Confidence That Sucks!
IT SUCKS! There I said it.
I wish I had more confidence in life.
More confidence to go after my bigger goals
More confidence to speak up for me.
More confidence to say no!
I just want more confidence than I currently do for many areas of my life.
Here's why!
When I first started my business, the thought of talking on Instagram made me feel sick.
Not even joking!
There was not 1 single part of me that wanted to do it
And that rang true for a lot of areas in my life!
When starting a new job, the thought of being the newbie filled me with dread.
Being that person who doesn't have a clue what she's doing, was just a no go and this has held me back over the years.
Why do we feel this way?
You've been PROGRAMMED to 'fear' this idea of being a beginner!
For some reason we expect ourselves to just 'get it right' first time and if we don't then we are a failure. It's RIDICULOUS!
No-one ever just did something right first time and did it perfectly straight off.
Feeling familiar?
"To become and expert, we must first be a beginner".
In terms of confidence, that means:
Starting before you are ready
Accepting that confidence is a muscle and it will need work to grow
Accepting the fact that someone out there will always have more!
The more confidence you end up building, the more risks and chances you will end up taking and the more likely you are to achieve your goals.
Here's my 3 reasons why CONFIDENCE sucks!
1. Confidence ONLY grows through doing.
This means you will have to start taking the relevant action before you feel confident enough to do so.
2. You aren't born with it.
We tell ourselves that, some people just have it and some don't. Well, that's not true. Confidence, is like a muscle, in order for it to grow, you have to keep on giving it a workout.
3. Somebody will ALWAYS have more confidence than you.
That's just a fact of life!
There will always be someone who has more, is doing more and receiving more than you. You have to learn to be ok with that.
It doesn't mean that you can't have it just because they do.
So what's the point?
Don't let this post dishearten you.
Despite the 3 reasons named above, having more confidence can bring a lot of good into your life. When you first start taking action it's scary, but after a while it becomes second nature and you can't remember what scared you in the first place.
Ask yourself this question:
Where in my life, is a lack of confidence holding me back?
For more support on growing confidence, head on over to my Paige | Mindset Coach (@_turnanewpaige_) • Instagram photos and videos
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