22 Lessons from 2022
Was it just me, or was 2022 a bit of a funny year?

After having had two years of lockdowns, to-ing and fro-ing, and a whole lot of crap, I think society found it challenging to get back to 'normal'. I did however, take full advantage of being able to travel again with two trips abroad, and lots of visits around different places in the UK. So I thought I would use this first post for 2023, to sum up 22 keys lessons I took away from this past year.
Lesson 1 - 365 days goes by so damn quick!
I was told once, that the older you get, the quicker the years go, and I really believe that to be true. I turned 31 this year and it felt like January 2022 was only 5 minutes ago. So my lesson here, is to not sit around waiting for the right time to start whatever it is you want to start, just do it! The time will pass regardless, so don't wait!
Lesson 2 - The hardest times, are where the biggest lessons lie!
In 2022, my relationship went from great to pretty crappy. I thought we were only getting stronger, and yet it seemed we took everything for granted and it nearly came to an end on multiple occasions. Despite that, those tough moments woke me up to some of the growth I still needed to do within me. The insecurities which were lying dormant, came to the surface and I repeated the same unhealthy patterns, so in 2023 I will be reconnecting with myself, and building a stronger foundation.
Lesson 3 - No-one can do it for you!
It's sad but it's true, you can invest loads of money in coaches, personal trainers, programmes, and anything else, but if you don't do the work, then you will be exactly the same as when you started. Imagine turning up to a session with your PT, and just sitting still, you aren't going to see results from that right?! Additional support is brilliant, and I am a huge advocate for personal investment, but if you don't go and do the work, then nothing will change.
Lesson 4 - Variation is the spice of life!
If I found one thing to be true this year, it's that having a mix of things in life, keeps life exciting. I used to struggle with exercise until I started doing more than just one thing. So instead of just running, I did yoga, pilates, swimming, cycling, gym, HIIT, and classes. By having a mix, I kept things interesting and therefore I felt motivated for longer and more often.
Lesson 5 - Changing the external, won't fix the internal!
I went back to the gym to help with my jealousy, and it worked wonders for helping me feel stronger, and more confident. However, that didn't help when situations came up that triggered it. I still fell into the same patterns and felt shit. You have to work on the internal just as much, if not more, than you do the external.
Lesson 6 - It's ok to do nothing!
Throughout this past year, I found it very challenging to switch off and allow myself days of doing nothing, without the feeling of guilt. I punished myself for slowing down, despite knowing the benefits of rest for both the body, and the mind. So in 2023, I want to block out and plan days to do absolutely nothing, and enjoy it! We live in a world that is constantly on the go, and because of that, a lot of us are just treading water to keep our heads above the surface. No-one wants to live like that! You'd prefer to be lying back, floating along peacefully right? Well, in order to do that, you must set aside time to do nothing, but relax.
Lesson 7 - I really missed in person contact!
One of my big goals for this next year, is to spend more time with people in-person. The past few years have been very virtually heavy, and I miss seeing actual humans. I have a lot of people who I have met, and got to know so well in the past 3 years and yet I have never actually met them! So this year, I am going to focus less about showing up on socials, and more about showing up at in person events, holidays, and socials with friends.
Lesson 8 - Goals will always be goals, unless I take action.
Last year I set lots of goals, and yet so many of them never went passed that initial thought. Why? I never set out a plan of action in order to actually achieve them. My swimming for example, in 2021 I learnt to swim so I could complete a triathlon before I turned 30. I did that, and then I set a goal to build up to a full triathlon for 2022! It never happened, because I stopped enjoying swimming and did nothing to change that, I faffed around with buying a bike, and I never booked an actual event in order to motivate me. When setting goals, there has to be a plan of action to go with it, or else what's the point?
Lesson 9 - I set too many goals!
Following on from lesson 8, I definitely stretched myself to thin by setting way too many goals. What I should have done was write a list of everything I wanted to achieve, and then break that down into a group of 5-10 goals in which to actually focus on. By doing that, I could have gave 100% to less, as opposed to 80% to lots.
Lesson 10 - Doing something small, is better than doing nothing at all.
At the start of last year, I was very hit and miss with my yoga. One minute I was doing 30 minutes a day, then I was barely doing 30 minutes a week. In May, I decided to focus on doing just 5-10 minutes a day, in order to be consistent. I have now done over 200+ consecutive days of yoga and I am loving it. Sometimes I do 30 minutes, other times it's only 10, but I always make time and I am consistent, which in turn, sees better results.
Lesson 11 - Sometimes, I just need more accountability.
A lot of people tell me I am motivated, and I inspire them with how often I exercise and move my body. I am very motivated, and disciplined in this area of my life, but that doesn't reflect in all areas. Some goals and parts of my life, I find it challenging to get motivated, and to take action. So in 2023, I am going to have 1:1 accountability calls with a coach I enjoy working with, so I can carve out set time to reflect on the month gone, and plan for the month ahead. This will also give me someone who can call me out on my shit, when I'm not doing the things I said I want to do.
Lesson 12 - I have to work harder in winter!
I am a spring/summer kind of girl, and I am energised by the sun! In summer I love getting up early to go gym, go for a run, do yoga, or simply move my body. I feel awake, alert, and ready for the day. When winter comes, that motivation plummets! The dark mornings mean I get out later, if at all. The rain puts me off getting out for fresh air, even when I've been in all day. However, knowing this, I can begin to better prepare myself for when the darker, colder months hit. Instead of forcing exercise, I can change it by doing more indoor workouts. I know I need to change my routine and go out at lunch, or straight from work - so maybe that means I use the slow cooker more often to free up time in my evenings. It also means I need to focus on what I eat, so I can get more energy from food, whilst I'm not getting it from the sun.
Lesson 13 - Watching TV is not a crime.
I love a good series, or a great film, and for a while I used to beat myself up for wanting to chill whilst watching Netflix. I read a lot on how successful people don't watch TV and I took it to heart. I want to be more successful in life, and so I removed TV at every opportunity. I then realised, that it's ok to have that chill time, and wind down time, like I said it lesson 6. I just have to make sure it's not being used as a means of procrastination. Like rest, I can schedule it in.
Lesson 14 - I still have work to do on my money mindset.
When I look back on last year, I actually came a hell of a long way on my money mindset journey. I got comfortable talking about money, I relaxed when it came to paying my bills, I was more consistent with tracking my income and expenses. What I want to do in 2023, is make myself available for more money. I still have a money story and habits around spending about the same amount as I make each month. It's not how I want to be with money! I want to feel more secure, and in turn open myself up for more money to flow into my life. So this year, that will be a focus for me.
Lesson 15 - Money is meant to be fun, not stressful.
It's been tough for a lot of people in the UK this year for money, as we've faced strikes, and the cost of living crisis. So for a lot of people, money has become stressful, as we fight to stretch it as far as possible. I have been lucky enough to be able to use my money more freely, so that I can enjoy my time. Instead of saving every pound I can, I booked more trips, I spent time with friends, I had massages, manicures, facials, and other treats. I believe in being sensible with money, but also enjoying it too, as you can always earn more money, but you can't get back more time.
Lesson 16 - I'm comfortable, if not, too comfortable in my own company.
I have built a stronger relationship with myself in these past few years, but from that I have also become more introverted. I find it too easy to be on my own, and yet I have had a lot of feelings of loneliness these past 12 months. In 2023, I want to make a more conscious effort to spend time with people and to actually get out there and have some fun. Just like lesson 7!

Lesson 17 - Nothing changes, if nothing changes!
I haven't got much to say on this one as it speaks for itself, but you really need to do something different, if you want to see different results.
Lesson 18 - Learn to recognise what serves you and what doesn't.
I let some habits slide last year that actually helped me, and I have since reconnected with them. One being my morning Be Well calls. These calls always fired me up for the day with just half an hour of gratitude, meditation, dancing, reading, and more. It was dedicated time to reflect and appreciate my life before starting my day. Maybe you have some habits you need to get back to?
Lesson 19 - Know your triggers like the back of your hand!
Every time I go for a walk, or to the shop, I have a 'want' to buy snacks. I started avoiding going shopping alone because I knew I would buy shit which I didn't need, unless my partner was with me. I also stopped taking my phone, cards, and money on walks so that I had no means to actually buy anything. It's a silly trigger and one I have had for many years and never really addressed. It's kept me stuck in this same pattern with eating, and stopped me progressing to where I want to be. Do you know your triggers?
Lesson 20 - The older I get, the less I care about the impractical.
I love Christmas, but it does wind me up how much people spend every year on gifts for others. Everyone seems to go mental, by spending hundreds, if not thousands of pounds for one day of the year. Now I am older, I appreciate people's time, more than the gifts they give. Adult life is busy, and so I would rather book in a coffee date for an hour, than to give someone a gift just so they have something from me.
Lesson 21 - Tell people you love them more often!
We take for granted telling people how we feel, because we assume they just know, but in reality, people sometimes need reminding. Tell someone today, how important they are to you and see how good it makes them feel.
Lesson 22 Last one! This is my life, and I get to decide how I live it!
If you spend your life people pleasing, you will lead a miserable life. When you live a life that makes you happy, the right people will be happy too. You really do only get one life, so stop wasting it doing what you've been told to do and just go and make yourself happy.
Thank you for getting to the end! Have a wonderful first week of the year, and keep safe.
Turnanewpage x