#1 Key To More Energy In The Morning
I get asked this a lot!
How do I find energy to get up in the morning and run, do yoga or even just to wake up early?
I'm an early bird! I love to be up and moving my body and taking time for myself.
Right now, yoga is my favourite thing to do for 10 minutes every morning.
So You Want To Get Up Early?
My first question to you would be 'why?'
Why do you want to get up early?
Do you feel like it's the thing to do or like there's an obligation to do it?
If yes, then don't worry about getting up early, just do what works for you.
I want to get up early!
If there's a genuine reason why you want to wake up then I am cheering you on.
We live in a world that is constantly on the go and getting some time to yourself can be difficult. If you want to wake up early in order to experience some peace and quiet then this is your time.
Maybe you want to get up earlier so you can do your exercise routine ready for the day. I know when I first started that, if I didn't go in the morning, then it wasn't happening. Fact!
Here's my #1 Key To Having More Energy
Find a genuine reason to get up!
Don't jump on the bandwagon for the sake of it, do it because you truly want to see some benefits from it.
Bear in mind, creating a routine takes time. Change doesn't happen overnight.
What you commit to in the evening, might not always be so easy come the morning. So you need to set yourself up for success!
This is my top tips for making sure you get up:
Get an early night
Put your alarm out of arms reach of the bed
Get up as soon as your alarm goes off, and before your brain kicks in
Once you are out of bed, don't get back into it
Drink a glass of water
I could list more, but too much will feel overwhelming.
I Hope This Helps
I never used to be a morning person and I haven't become one overnight either. I've had to push past barriers, change my routine repeatedly and give myself some tough love. But through it all, I have now created self discipline.
I know when to push myself and when to show myself some love. I have learnt when my energy is high and when it's low.
From this post, I want you to start by writing down a reason why you want to get up earlier, then you can build from there.
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